Ulysse awakened by Nausicaa - School of Jacques- Louis David (1748-1825) - Late 18th century

Ulysses, King of Ithaca, awakened by Nausicaa, daughter of the King of the Phaeacians

School of Jacques Louis David (1748-1825)

Oil on canvas. Carved and gilded wooden frame decorated with scallop shells.

Late 18th century

H 141 cm L 188 cm

This important illustration of an episode from Homer's Odyssey is a veritable pretext for depicting the male body. Given its characteristics, such as the treatment of the subject and the features of Ulysses, this large-scale oil on canvas can be associated with the school of Jacques Louis David (1748-1825). Many of his pupils, such as François-Xavier Fabre (1866-1737), were famous for their large-scale representations of men.

Philippe Vichot – 37 Rue de Lille, 75007 Paris – 0033 (0) 1 40 15 00 81 – philippe@vichot.com
