Louis XIV gilded console

In gilded wood; the belt rests on four sheathed feet carved with busts of women with high headdresses provided with feathers, on a winding with grooves on the front and garland of flowers on the inside, connected together by a spacer of geometric shape, all on flattened balls covered with a large overflowing acanthus leaf. Grand Antique marble top.

France, late 17th-early 18th century

The top is from a later period.

Dimensions : H : 86 cm – L : 149 cm – P : 68 cm.

Provenance: late Giovanni Paolo Quinteri collection, Palazzo Blumenstihl in Rome. Sale of the estate in Rome, May 1971, illustrated lot n ° 221. 

This console can be attributed to cabinetmaker Pierre Gole. It has strong analogies with several of its consoles. Bibliography: Pierre Gole, cabinetmaker to Louis XIV, TH.H. Lunsingh Scheurleer, Faton editions, illustrations 

Philippe Vichot – 37 Rue de Lille, 75007 Paris – 0033 (0) 1 40 15 00 81 – philippe@vichot.com
