Important Louis XV cartel clock and its console - Middle of 18th century

Important Louis XV cartel clock and its console

Middle of 18th century

With curved shape in brass veneer with inlaid branches of carnations in red, green and white tinted horn and enhanced with mother-of-pearl. Rich ornamentation in chased and gilded bronze with a sunburst surmounted by a cockerel, a pair of turtledoves and oak leaves, acorns and rocaille clasps.

Movement signed on the back "Jean Godde à Paris", clockmaker received master in 1691 and died in 1748

Clock escapement changed

H 127 cm L 58,5 cm P 27 cm

Philippe Vichot – 37 Rue de Lille, 75007 Paris – 0033 (0) 1 40 15 00 81 –
