A pair of Louis XVI gilt wood console tables - Epoque late 18th century

An important pair of Louis XVI console tables. D- shaped consoles in richly carved and gilded wood, the pierced frieze carved with guilloche enclosing a flowerhead, from which are suspended large garlands of blooming flowers of great diversity, and pleated ribbons. Raised on four tapering and fluted legs headed with large acanthus leaves. The legs joined together by a stretcher centered with an urn topped with a pomegranate and decorated with a frieze of interlacing, flanked by large grapes of flowers. Raised on foots sculpted with leaves. Rouge du Languedoc marble tops.

France, period 18th century

Dimensions : H35,4 - W43-D20 inches

The quality of the carving on these consoles is exceptional, with the garlands made up of a multitude of flowers treated in great detail. They were undoubtedly made by a talented sculptor for a prestigious commission. They may be related to the work of the Rousseau brothers, Jules-Hughes dit Rousseau l'Ainé (1743-1806) and Jean-Siméon dit Rousseau de la Rottière (1747-1822), ornamental sculptors who worked for the court and particularly for Marie-Antoinette, often in collaboration with George Jacob (1739-1814).

On deposit by the Mobilier National (Inv. No. GME-10431-000), a gilded wood console table with a very similar shape and ornamentation is on display in the newly reinstalled decor of the Chancellery of Orléans at the Hôtel de Rohan in Paris.

Philippe Vichot – 37 Rue de Lille, 75007 Paris – 0033 (0) 1 40 15 00 81 – philippe@vichot.com
